PBJ Badania MarketingowePBJ Маркетинговые исследованияPBJ Market ResearchPBJ Badania MarketingowePBJ Market Research
Market ResearchAbout uswhat we docontactPBJ Market Research
PBJ Market Research
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What we do

Furthermore, we offer a full range of market research for business entities.      

We implement market research using quantitative and qualitative methods, desk research as well as Mystery Shopping.

We can provide qualitative and quantitative research ON-LINE.

We adapt our research methods to a specific marketing problem to suit the client’s market and product. We offer not only research but also the opportunity to monitor progress at each and every stage.We will meet your deadlines and limited budget.We can advise on the best possible solution to your problem.

Quantitative research

When to apply this method?

Quantitative research is mainly aimed at specifying the range of the phenomena to be explored.

  • Determining market volume

  • Recognizing a competitive environment

  • Market segmentation

  • Trademark recognition compared to competitive trademarks

  • Price optimization

  • Establishing customer attitude to a trademark

  • Product research and others


Depending on the client’s specific needs and budget, we offer the following methods of research:

  • Face-to-face interviews

  • Computer assisted telephone interview (CATI)

  • Mail survey

  • Press survey

  • Auditory test

  • Internet survey

Statistical Analyses and Techniques

The applied research techniques and statistical analyses are defined by the specific research problem. We can use:

  • Price sensitivity measurement PSM or PSM (+)

  • Trademark recognition mapping creation

  • Correlation table analyses

  • Cluster analyses

  • Factor analyses

  • Regression analyses

  • Conjoint analysis and others

Qualitative research

When to apply this method?

Qualitative research focus on the qualitative description of facts. Face-to-face interviews or group discussions carried out according to a scenario by interviewers or moderators are the most appropriate research methods in this case.

In particular, qualitative research is useful for:

  • Defining purchase decision making processes

  • Establishing the origin of attitudes and behaviour against a product

  • Product placement in a competitive environment, and product associations

  • Communication effectiveness of advertising

  • Establishing the consumer’s language relating to product


Depending on the client’s specific needs, we offer the following methods of qualitative research:

  • Focus Group Interview, FGI

  • Creativity Group, which is a technique aimed at collecting hints and ideas to create and promote the ideal product

  • Brief Group, which is a brief (30-60 min.) discussion, typically on a single topic

  • Extended Group, which is a discussion lasting up to six hours, used when the topic is difficult

  • Mini Group, which is a discussion in a group of four to six

  • Affinity Group, which involve discussions in family, neighbourhood or co-worker groups

  • Copy-Test, which is similar to the IDI, if the objective is to get an in-depth analysis of an advertisement, or a survey if the objective is to carry out a quantitative opinion analysis about advertising

  • Individual in-Depth Interview, or IDI

  • ON-LINE Focus Group, which is brief qualitative research involving an on-line group interviews


Projection techniques are elements of qualitative research. They can reveal unconscious or hidden views and emotions in connection with the analyzed product. These are:

  • Personification

  • Animalization

  • Collage

  • Unfinished phrases test

  • Bubble test

  • Brand Party Game

Desk research

Desk research involves the gathering and secondary-data analysis of the contents of magazines, catalogues, statistical reports, the internet, etc. Secondary-data analysis is an ideal solution if additional knowledge about a market is required and whether further steps should be taken. Typically, desk research is aimed at acquiring general information about a market, identifying missing data, and specifying, on the basis of this identification, what surveys need to be undertaken. Usually, these are carried out as the first stage of further research, and is the least expensive type of research. However, it may be limited by missing or insufficient data on the researched topic.

Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping involves engaging specially-trained researchers (mystery shoppers) who, playing the role of ordinary customers, gather the required data. It is aimed at evaluating and improving the quality of services delivered to customers by comparing assumptions and the achieved level of services, also through a comparison with the competition. Mystery Shopping research helps to acquire a fair and unbiased view of customer service quality in a company’s retail outlets. It allows the efficiency of customer services to be enhanced, and makes possible a reasonable assessment of investments in employee training and development.

tajemniczy klient - mystery shopping